Privacy and Cookie Policy

Ünoks Industrial Stainless Products Industry Trade Limited Company Website Privacy and Cookie Policy
Data Controller Identity and General Information

Under the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, your personal data may be processed within the scope described below by Ünoks Industrial Stainless Products Industry Trade Limited Company (Company) operating at İstanbul Deri Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Yansanayi Caddesi, No: 3, YA4 Special Parcel, Tuzla, Istanbul as the data controller. As a company, we attach importance to the protection of your personal data.

Therefore, we would like to inform and enlighten you regarding your personal data that we collect and process in accordance with the Protection of Personal Data through the internet site established, designed, and operated by the Company, which is called
Only if the Site is visited as a visitor through the Site, some information is collected, stored, protected, and/or stored by the Company. This data may or may not contain personal information.

Below, how and in what way the information obtained/will be obtained by the Company as a result of the processes described in this text, how it will be collected, stored, protected, and/or stored, and your rights on this information are regulated. It should be noted that the Company protects your information within the scope of this text and the Protection of Personal Data.

Your personal data that we share with us or that we obtain through the use of the Site and/or through cookies will be subject to processing during the period specified by any legal period or the period declared by the Company, within the limits below, and may be transferred to third-party business partners and/or consultants residing in the domestic or abroad for the purpose of providing the Company's services.

Legal Basis: Your personal data may be processed by us within the scope of our legitimate interests (personal data collected through site usage), legal obligations (traffic data), and your explicit consent provided (data collected through cookies).
Collection of Personal Data: Personal data is information that identifies you and can be used to identify you. The information you share with the Company via the Site may fall within the scope of personal data.

Examples of personal data include your name, surname, e-mail address, date of birth, internet protocol (IP) address, your location at the time you accessed the Site, and the message you want to send to the Company. Some of the information you provide to the Company is information that is mandatory to provide (such as IP information), while others are information that you share with us at your discretion or give us permission to access.

When you use the Site, we can automatically obtain the following information if you provide us with the following information:
Service data that you want to evaluate or review: Information that shows your general service orientation on the Site and other information you voluntarily share is recorded in our infrastructure to be evaluated and can be used later to provide you with better service.
Usage data: Usage and traffic data about you is collected after you enter the Site as a visitor. Data such as which sections you visit on the Site, what you clicked on, when you performed these actions, which site you were directed from, and search terms you used to access the Site may be included in this data. Also, our network servers keep log files; these files record data each time a device accesses them.

Device/Data Information: When you use a mobile device such as a tablet or phone to access our services, certain information about your device is collected, stored, protected, and/or retained by our Company, in accordance with the Protection of Personal Data. This information may include personal information, or it may not. Such information may include your IP address, operating system version, device type, system and performance data, and browser type. Our Company may also access and collect "device identifiers" on your device, store them, track them, or remotely store one or more "device identifiers" on your device. Device identifiers are small data files or similar data structures that are stored on your mobile device or associated with your mobile device, and uniquely identify your mobile device. A device identifier may be data stored on the device hardware, the operating system, or other software, or data sent to the device by our Company. A device identifier can provide us or third parties with information about how you use their service, and can help us or others provide reports, personalized content, and advertisements. If the availability of device identifiers is impaired or blocked, some features of our services may not work properly.
Location Information: Our Company may collect data related to the location from which you access the Site.

Information Provided by the Contact Form: Our Company obtains personal information through the Site in order to reach potential customers who are visitors. Through the "Contact Form" section of the Site, information such as your name, surname, phone number, email address, message you will send, and the brand (company) you work for may be automatically collected and processed by our Company to respond to your request. This process is carried out entirely on the basis of explicit consent, which is voluntary.